Poster design for the acitivist organisation Na Tochak ("On a bicycle") which every month is organising cycling event in Skopje and all the cyclists are taking over the streets for an hour or two. The theme of this event is titled "The trees are our air-conditioners".
Poster design which was exhibited in the first edition of the "Skopje Kreativa" festival for creative industries.
A poster for the macedonian designers' initiative before the parliamentary elections on December 11th. The message is "Group Call With: Everyone i know." A constant problem of the country is the ever increasing exodus of the Macedonians, fleeing to other countries in search for a better life. 
Poster redesign for the cult macedonian 1996 movie classic "Self-destruction". The poster was an entry for a redesign poster competition called "Remix your cultural reality" and it was featured in an street exhibition as a part of the 2019 "Skopje Kreativa" festival.
Poster design entry for the 24th Golden Drum Festival's "Young Drummers" competition. 
Copywriter: Dejan Spirkoski
Poster Art

Poster Art

Personal and other work for posters and printed media.
