with yashica electro 35
  In the summer of 2020 I started taking analog photography, since then my interest about it has grown a lot. At this time I've shooted more than 20 times with film and more than half of those film rolls were diferent from each other. For me it was pretty cool seeing the diferences between all of those films. Therefore I made a selection of portraits that I shoot through this last year so that you can see the diferences in the film stocks.
  All the pictures were shoot on a Yashica Electro 35.

Kodak ColorPlus 200

Kodak Gold 200

Kodak Ektar 100

Kodak Portra 160

Kodak Portra 400

Fujicolor C200

Fujifilm Superia X-TRA 400

Fujifilm Superia 800 (expired in 2003)

Fujifilm Superia 400 (expired in 2002)

Fujifilm Superia 200 (expired in 2002)

CineStill 50D

Konica Minolta VX 100 Super (expired in 2006)
35mm Portraits