First visit to Anthony School, Amingaon, Guwahati
We played games with kids and observed them perform different activities
The sceond visit constituted of attending classes of middle school students for contextual enquiry
Traditional Education system block diagram
Analyzing the data collected. After this we designed the game for teaching english to students.
The characters designed for the game. They are used as pawns.
The board on which pawns are moved. The player who reaches 99 first wins the game!
Flash Cards with sentences to be framed printed on it along with the hint fir the tenses to be filled in.
These cards were used as bonus cards. In the primary research we found out that the school students were not able to relate Assamese words to English language. So, we created flash cards in which on the front the Assamese word was written and the player had to answer the respective English word to gain bonus points.
Standard Seventh students happily excited after playing the game :)



The project aimed at teaching school children english grammar through board game using flash cards.
