Peter Scheerer's profile

ganz und gar betreuung e.v. Stuttgart

CI-Development for ganz und gar betreuung e.V.,
... which has the meaning "completely and utterly care" or "lock, stock and barrel - care" - a holistic childcare on afternoons for children in the basic (primary) schools in Stuttgart, Germany. (Fuchsrainschule Stuttgart, Deutsch-Französische Schule Stuttgart)
Including the development of a new logotype, which combines the inital letters ( "g & g" ) of the term. The combination of the two letters with the "&"-Sign looks like to primary-school pupils with kind of "baseball-caps" with - inbetween them - a "helping hand" (the child-care worker) which puts his protective hand at the back of the Pupil.
The Typography and the Colours express the combination of a receptive und communicative philosphy on the one hand, and the classic and respectful values on the other hand.
Photography (Nikon) Indoor with lightning equipment (Bron Color), outdoor with available light, Postproduction & Retouching & Colour grading with Photoshop to a slightly desaturated and fresh Look which match the CI-Colours.
Complete new Design, Photography and Website with a Variety of Forms, which allow Interaction with the User, Client and Co-Workers and reduce hereby administration effort to a Minimum.
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ganz und gar betreuung e.v. Stuttgart

ganz und gar betreuung e.v. Stuttgart

CI-Development, Photography, Webdesign & Programming for a child-care institution in Stuttgart.
