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AD AGE 2021 | Cover Competition

Young Creatives Cover Contest

Today, the struggles continue, yet agencies and marketers have evolved quickly proving just how agile and inventive they can be. we are hoping to look where evolution will take the industry next. What will it look like ten years from now?
While there were several insights that we explored, we came to the conclusion that predicting what trends & challenges will be consuming advertisers 10 years from now was too vast an ocean to narrow down to just one drop. So, we decided to base our concepts on something that we're certain will remain the constant among the many variables
Despite upper-management's best efforts, agency employees continue to suffer from the one pandemic there will never be a vaccine for - relentless work hours! Even in 2030, this virus continues to plague the high-risk category; those trying to establish a healthy work-life balance. Therefore, agencies decide to do what they decide to do best,
initiate a change.

In order to bring our vision for the future to life, we took to inspiration from the past. Al Jaffee's MAD fold-ins have always shared insightful yet humorous takes on topical conversations and we felt it apropos for our thought. As far as the art is concerned, illustration was the go-to style to tie the ends together. The open cover depicts employees working late into the night, while the folded result shows one catching a (good?) night's sleep at the desk he spends his days. The night-mode effect adds to the dramatic elements of light and shadow.
The fold in illustration was a great learning process. apart from being beautiful, the measurements were a critical aspect to nail. Multiple sketches and renditions were undergone to bring the magazine to life. 
AD AGE 2021 | Cover Competition

AD AGE 2021 | Cover Competition
