Others is a series about man's initiatory journey. Surrounded by the darkness of the night, he is immersed in an endless void, where between indistinct shapes, he loses the boundaries of his own body, becoming empty in turn. As in the alchemical Nigredo, he is uprooted from being, to reach the second phase, the Albedo. Here begins his rebirth, represented by light, understood as life, will and desire. Light leads man to a world in which reality and OTHER dimensions of awareness coexist. I wanted to make this series because, like the protagonist, I felt attracted by the emptiness of these nocturnal landscapes, I wanted to lose myself in it, make it my own and propose it in a new form. The series was created using the light painting technique.
the series is accompanied by a musical composition that I produced as an accompaniment to the images. Use your headphones and enjoy the journey.
The Beginning of the Journey
This image represents the beginning of man's journey through the void. The advent of the night is not yet complete, his shape is defined by the aftermath of the daylight, in contrast with the other part of the sky where the night has already arrived.
The Path
Man's journey, shrouded in darkness, places him in front of choices. These choices will define his path, his future self.
Man agrees to get lost in the emptiness that surrounds him. immersed in the darkness he loses the confines of his body, which he finds only with his will of rebirth, represented by the light.
Cosmic Night
Wrapped in the cosmic night, man loses the shape of his face and the light redraws its features.
Harmony of Form
The figure of man is placed inside a circle, which symbolizes life, harmony and perfection. His shape is still indistinct, but the light defines its boundaries.
The Gate
The circle of light draws a symbolic gash in the mountain, outlining a gap through it, which will lead him to the completion of his journey, beyond the void.
Beyond The Void
The Man is at an opening, behind him the sky is torn between darkness and light. From his face starts a luminous trail that represents his momentum towards his new form.
The Rebirth
The end of this journey leads man to his rebirth. Light understood as life, will and desire, is released from his body and pierces the darkness of the night, projecting man towards new, other forms.
I wanted to make this series because, like the protagonist, I felt attracted by the emptiness of these nocturnal landscapes, I wanted to lose myself in it, make it my own and propose it in a new form.
The series was created between May and August 2020, in the Marche mountains, using the light painting technique.
the series was presented in the "Bid / Art Space" gallery in Pesaro (Italy), curated by Lorenzo Uccellini.


