Mercat Agroecològic UPV | Visual Identity

( What is Merca't? )

The Mercat Agroecològic i de Comerç Just, established in 2016, is an agroecological product market organized by the Vice-Rector for Social Responsibility and Cooperation and the Center for Development Cooperation of the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV).

It offers a wide variety of local and seasonal products and is committed to the importance of raising awareness about responsible consumption and respect for the environment. Our project consists of a complete redesign of its visual identity, branding and ad campaign.

Mercat Agroecològic UPV | Visual Identity

Mercat Agroecològic UPV | Visual Identity

Redesign of the visual identity and ad campaign of the Mercat Agroecològic i de Comerç Just of the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.
