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Lose weight quickly

Lose weight quickly

Losing weight quickly is the dream of many people; It is no coincidence that the success of many weight loss plans is the promise of losing X kg in Y days (weeks) .
Nothing less scientific than this promise!

In fact, the number of kg that can be lost in a given period is a very insignificant and potentially misleading figure. In fact, the amount of kilograms that can be lost depends (mainly, but not only) on:

the starting point, that is, how much fat you have.

Anthropometric data. One thing is to make a big man of 120 kg lose 10 kg for 190 cm of height and another is to make a 160 cm tall woman lose the same amount of weight.
The caloric difference with the situation prior to the diet period (for example, passing from 2,600 to 1,800 kcal).

Sports activity that is generally associated with a low-calorie period. Often the calories burned depend on "how" you do sport.

The subject's metabolism. In other words, the cause of overweight (overeating or hypometabolism ?).

The right formula for slimming

To say that it is healthy to lose 100 kg per month is therefore very approximate and ultimately wrong. What you can do is look for a formula that protects you from a diet that is too drastic and at the same time allows for weight loss. One of the successes of the Italian diet is having found it:

in case of overweight, 600 kcal (for women, 540 kcal) * (height in m squared).
With this formula, even combining an activity for slimming purposes (obviously not a competitive activity which in an overweight subject is in any case not recommended) there is no risk of burning muscles or losing weight quickly (in the sense of "too fast" ) without giving the body time to adapt to the new situation.

For example, in a month a 40-year-old subject, 180 cm tall, with a 20% fat mass, a weight of 85 kg, with moderate physical activity (2 actual hours a week, 4 sessions of 30 ') and with a previous diet of 2,850 kcal per day will lose about 7 kg (with the new regimen at about 1,950 kcal) of which 5.5 due to diet and 1.5 to physical activity (if previously sedentary). These data, I repeat, are subjective and can vary by 20% more or less (from 5.5 to 8.5 kg).

Diets enanthate that promise to lose weight quickly (for example, 3 kg per week) are best avoided ...
Losing weight quickly is the dream of many people, but "fast" doesn't have to be "too fast"
Lose weight quickly

Lose weight quickly


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