Janessa Barragan's profile

Letter Pairing as Abstract Form

For this project I picked two different types of fonts, one being from the san serif family and the other from serif. The goal of this project was to explore letterforms and their various details as elements. The letters I picked to explore further were j,j,b,m,p using the fonts Futura PT and Garamond Premier. To help fully understand the relationship/elements of these letters and serifs I did 25 iterations of each letter pairing it with a letter of the opposite font, totaling out to 125 iterations. After reviewing the various iterations I narrowed down to my top 5 that embodied Carl Dair’s seven contrasts. From my top 5 letter pairings I picked 1 pair that I felt would work best as a GIF. I chose to create my GIF of two lower case m’s from Garamound Premier, one being italic and the other is regular. Although they are from the same font their style’s give them completely different characteristics. In the GIF I wanted to highlight their differences when they lock together on the screen, entering the screen in a uniting way.
Letter Pairing as Abstract Form

Letter Pairing as Abstract Form
