Key Contributions

- Game Design
- Coding / Programming
- Artificial Intelligence - Behavior Trees
- Story and Lore
- Technical Design and Implementation
- UI/UX Design and Implementation
- Multiple significant collaborations with several artists, writers, and other creators

Tools and Assets Utilized

- Unity 2018
- C# Coding
- Unet network utilities
- Steam SDK
- Various assets from the Unity Store, including Unka, Fungus, Gaia, and Behavior Designer
Game Design

- PolyArt Asthetic
- Theme: Play as the dragon; destruction
- single player with the potential for a future PvP mode
- story driven gameplay
- interchangeable abilities through the collection of items throughout gameplay
- unique gameplay options through in-game augments
Published Intro

Dragon Souls will allow you to play as a dragon in Reverath, a human realm, after a magical relic has been used to tear the veil between the living and the dead. Through this tear, you have re-emerged confused, hungry, and ready to reclaim your place in the world.

The denizens of our world have no hope of standing against you alone once you are at full power. But, you start out with little gold and power, so a barrage of arrows can quickly end you in the beginning. Use your devastating abilities to destroy their dwellings and collect their gold to increase your power.

The goals are mostly centered around causing mass destruction and mayhem in the human world. It is a game about playing as a truly terrifying dragon, not lumbering reptiles with wings and one slow/avoidable attack. You will have several abilities with augmentation and/or utility to add along the way. All abilities will be made more powerful with the expansion of your dragon's power, as will your survivability.
Cinematic Intro:
- Collaboration with Hai Ying Cheng and Abhinav Nairin
- Released to Early Access October 2020
Dragon Souls


Dragon Souls

A game where you get to be the dragon...ruin the human world and regain your domain!
