This project is dedicated to all ideas MMO wise, for the company Iridiumbased. I really hope to improve in speed, quality as well as ideation. So far this has been a wonderful, enlightening learning experience as my first time working for a company and I hope it stays that way. I will record only the sketches and finished projects here.
Wavemaster - Cleric type "healer" type. Natural looking staff and attire.
Sketch 2 of Aura
sketch 3 of Aura
Final, of Aura
"RuneCaster" - Western style. Runecasters use magic and tech. The umbrella is the gun, the rain droop is the shell fired fro the gun.
Wavemaster male, more defined. I favor the staff! I need to make folks face the other way and do more perspective. I had an awesome time coloring though!
Luna 1
Luna 2, sketch chosen
Luna 3 sketch
Finished number two sketch
picture 3, sketch 1 - chosen
sketch 2
Finished version of picture three. I am on a roll!
The following pictures are of Nix, the sheer abundance of the sketches prompt me to separate her (all though she is a part of the project) with text and an explination.
Finished Nix
Finished leviathan , I had os much fun doing this!
MMO Project

MMO Project

Aiding IridiumBased, in character, weapon and armor design to test the skills I have learned over the years.
