About the Afghan Hound
The Afghan Hound is an ancient breed, his whole appearance one of dignity and aloofness – his eyes gazing into the distance as if in memory of ages past. An intelligent and independent mind, his whole appearance one of dignity and style. To his own he is devoted and loyal with a charming and lively personality. The Afghan Hound is an athlete capable of immense speed and requires a large fenced in yard and exercise daily.
Since ancient times, Afghan Hounds have been famous for their elegant beauty. But the thick, silky, flowing coat that is the breed’s crowning glory isn’t just for show — it served as protection from the harsh climate in mountainous regions where Afghans originally earned their keep. Beneath the Afghan’s glamorous exterior is a powerful, agile hound — standing as high as 27 inches at the shoulder — built for a long day’s hunt. Their huge paw-pads acted as shock absorbers on their homeland’s punishing terrain.
The Afghan Hound is a special breed for special people. A breed expert writes, “It’s not the breed for all would-be dog owners, but where the dog and owner combination is right, no animal can equal the Afghan Hound as a pet.” akc.org
Afghan Hound

Afghan Hound
