2015 | Experimental Film | DCP | 16:9 | 2'28

This animated film rests on the idea that digital media is like a transparent, thin layer of skin that shields our notion of self, and also the ability to transform and change. Like a self-portrait made of assemblages, the film investigates coexisting multiple digital identities to convey the message that “the best interface is no interface”. Assuming that the digital phenomenon is reshaping our culture, the film aims to synthesize and decode the compression of an over-connected modern society by visualizing that which is lost in translation and the art of error.

“介面”是一支實驗短片探討身份與身體,處理自我認同。在網路與數位媒體氾濫的生態下,"鏡中肖像" 以異化影像的本質主張自我再現, 人人將自我框架於無型的介面,多元化的身份和無意識的角色扮演。這波外延的框外之域現象,如慢性病毒般的侵蝕我們的感官。影片紀錄一位影像創作者透過自我凝視的意識型態來解剖重組無法共存的多重角色, 並且重新設定連結感官與感知的介面。




作品 是實驗短片探討身份與身體,處理自我認同。在網路與數位媒體氾濫的生態下,"鏡中肖像" 以異化影像的本質主張自我再現, 人人將自我框架於無型的介面,多元化的身份和無意識的角色扮演。這波外延的框外之域現象,如慢性病毒般的侵蝕我們的感官。影片紀錄一位影像創作者透過自我凝視的意識型態來解剖重組 Read More
