Alexa Rosenbaum's profile

UV.ECO Spectrum Trio (Dominant Color: Sea-foam)

The goal of this project was to research an assigned color, and create a trio of products that would be an extension brand for an existing brand. The color assigned to us had to be the dominant color in the packaging for the spectrum trio. There are also three colors I chose to be secondary colors in the design for each product. 
The color I was assigned was Sea-foam, and from my research I found that this color is associated with health, nature, hope, and the ocean, so I created an extension brand for Neutrogena skin care called UV. ECO; the three products are sunscreen products that promote, and aid in helping endangered sea animals.  
The main challenge I had in this process was keeping my design simple, and making sure that the sea-foam color was higher in hierarchy than the secondary colors. 
Solutions & Successes:
To make sure that sea-foam was the dominant color throughout, and that I was keeping the design of my packaging simple, I reached out to other people to get a different perspective, and their critiques really helped me notice the aspects of my design I needed to keep, remove, or work on more; after a lot of feedback I was able to make the changes I needed to.

In the end I believe I was successful with my overall design, and I did a good job integrating the Neutrogena brand with the UV.ECO extension brand. I also believe that my overall concept of creating a trio of products that will aid in funding for helping specific endangered sea animals is innovative, and not seen before for sunscreen products.

Sea-foam Research:
Brand Story:
This brand of sun lotion includes: a 90 SPF sensitive skin lotion, 60 SPF regular sunscreen, and a tanning lotion with 10 SPF. When a customer buys this product a percentage goes to helping three endangered marine species: the peach blossom jellyfish, seal, and green sea turtle.              
The audience for this product would be anyone who has sensitive skin, or uses sunscreen in hot weather. Anyone who wants to protect their skin from the sun. Anyone who wants to contribute to helping marine endangered species. Anyone who enjoys sunbathing, or using tanning lotion. 
This product would be sold on a shelf at stores like: CVS, Target, Walmart, grocery stores, beauty stores, etc. As well as online on Amazon and at aquariums to promote aid in saving endangered marine life. In locations that have seasonal weather, this product will be sold mainly in Spring and Summer. 
Background Image of water made by: Kladovka 

UV.ECO Spectrum Trio (Dominant Color: Sea-foam)

UV.ECO Spectrum Trio (Dominant Color: Sea-foam)
