I’d like to introduce another design template of the first part of my automotive logos branding project of car services’ different types. This part shows design and branding of car repair service.
Blue colors emphasize car repair service reliability, quality and accuracy. Bright red colors draw clients’ attention to the project and increase brand recognition.
The target audience of the project are creative and spontaneous people, but however they appreciate reliable and high quality customer service with reasonable rates for their cars with modern equipment and qualified crew who always meet the agreed deadlines. The clients are easy-going, so they want to be sure that their car is safe at any time.
In order to emphasize quality of this car repair service in logo design and branding hand drawn lettering and elegant graphic elements are used. The stylized pictures of a wrench, oil drops and steering wheel are chosen as special repetitive branding elements.

Thank you for your attention to the first part of my project.
Car Repair Branding

Car Repair Branding
