February 2021.
Invited artist. Conception, dramaturgy and performance.

Practice-based laboratory on the interactions between performing and digital arts. The laboratory had as its mandate to create a virtual hybrid (half virtual and half real) participative environment, to allow the public to engage in a gaming and artistic experience. 

A collaboration between : Le Petit Théâtre du Vieux-Noranda, UQAT | Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue,
THÉORIZ Studio, le réseau Hexagram and Ministère des Cultures et des Communications du programme Appel de projets multiterritorial en développement culturel numérique.

Through an interface created on the Twitch platform the performing and digital artists encountered the public (virtual space) to create a concret poem together (stage) thanks to a tool that recuperated the words written by the spectators on the Twitch chat. 

Photos credit :  Élisabeth Carrier.

Video recording of the experience. Broadcast and recording credits to Le Petit Théâtre du Vieux-Noranda.

Team : Lise Deville, Gaston Gougeon, Valentin Foch, Mavric Floquet, Jean-Ambroise Vesac, Luca Mancone, Casey Côtes-Turpin, Natalia Soldera, Jean-François Robin, Olivia McGilchrist, Dominic Lafontaine, Apolline Lasnier, Hector Vallet. 


