Camila Tosta's profile

Train The Trainers | Johnson & Johnson

O evento Train The Trainers, mais conhecido carinhosamente como TTT, faz parte da iniciativa Faculty Experience como uma estratégia regional que reforçará nossa missão de educar nossos Faculties no uso seguro dos nossos produtos.
The Train The Trainers event, better known affectionately as TTT, is part of the Faculty Experience initiative, it is a regional strategy that will reinforce our mission to educate our Faculties in the safe use of our products.
A partir de três T's sobrepostos, com as cores da cia aplicadas de acordo com o brand toolkit, a ideia para a composição do logo do Train The Trainers foi utilizar exatamente o TTT como símbolo.
From three overlapping T's, with the company colors applied according to the brand toolkit, the idea for the composition of the Train The Trainers logo was to use exactly the TTT as a symbol.
Train The Trainers | Johnson & Johnson

Train The Trainers | Johnson & Johnson
