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Parasite Poster

Project Brief:

Parasite was adapted into a novel by Author, Gillian Flynn. 
Design a book cover that reflects the author writing style as well as the story of Parasite.
Illustration Concept:

How much of my brain is wilfully my own? 
Our minds are filled with parasitic-like-thoughts, manipulating our behaviours. 
We often impose to be someone we are not for social acceptance.

I am inspired about how Gillian Flynn deep dives into character studies, 
tapping into the character souls. She loves exploring psychological 
dysfunction characters and have an empathetic understanding of them.

Therefore, my approach is to illustrate the mental state of the protagonist in Parasite. 
To me, Parasite was a story about imposter syndrome. I wanted to convey the message 
of how social class discrimination has manifested the society and how it influenced us.
Parasite Poster


Parasite Poster

Book Cover & Poster design for a school project.
