Everybody loves drawing don't they?
Saturday saw me interpreting, in real time, a vision of the future as imagined by four-year-old Rex, who became my art director for the day at London's
The Museum of Childhood 'Big Draw event called Drawing Tomorrow.
In association with ad agency AMV BBDO and organised by Central Illustration Agency, I drew live and on cue as Rex directed me through his brief:
'Rex will live in the land of Ooo, a leafy environment with robotic blue owls wearing welly boots who growl at people while delivering ice cream'.
And as you can see, what Rex wanted, Rex got!
This little girl drew her own interpretation of the finished piece, and I gave rex his own colouring/scrap book to take away at the end of the day.
Messy, exhausting and exciting. Thank goodness there was cake and tea on tap.
The Land of Ooo!

The Land of Ooo!

Everybody loves drawing don't they? Saturday saw me interpreting, in real time, a vision of the future as imagined by four-year-old Rex, who beca Read More
