Restaurant Cafe and Bar
This place is located in the main train-station of Eskilstuna, Sweden.
In this project, the design was inspired by Piccola's menu which has a great midday snack, fresh juice and delicious meals, trying to give the passengers - both who’s taking a short or long break - a warm, nice and calm place to have a cup of coffee/ tea or have their meal as well.
I chose a cozy decor, to give them also the opportunity to take the stress away and enjoy sitting inside the restaurant instead of waiting on the normal station seats.
To achieve these specifications in the design, I used natural materials, a beige stone wallpaper with a natural look, a dark walnut wood, warm lighting with a temperature of (2500k).
That combination makes Piccola the best place to take a warm break during your trip.
I used Autodesk 3ds Max for modeling and scene setup, and V-Ray Chaos Group GPU for rendering.
Color corrections and post-production were done in    V-Ray frame buffer and Adobe Photoshop 2020.
The Logo is designed by me.
Done with Ps Adobe Photoshop 2020.

