--the 2 band images--
Deltarush is an awesome indie rock band founded in Brussels (2010).
I was inspired by their music to create a cd cover and some graphic images for the band's image.
(the logo was created by one of the band's members)
(to have more information about the band check their website: http://www.deltarush.be/)
(to have more information about the band check their website: http://www.deltarush.be/)(to have more information about the band check their website: http://www.deltarush.be/)(to have more information about the band check their website: http://www.deltarush.be/)
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This project was based on the incredible music of Alkemia.
I created a logo and 3 different cd covers for the band.
(for further information about Alkemia, please, check their facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/alkemiarock)
CD covers

CD covers

My motivation is also helping people! Therefore, I combine this ambition with my passion for graphic design and the result is always new ideas fo Read More
