During this exhibition my team worked on a project about microorganisms. We want emphasize their presence in our space, as the their existence go unnoticed by the general public. While recent science conforms their importance in our daily lives, we as a group of visual designers, wants to bring out the beauty of this tiny world by making the invisible, visible. 
To present these beautiful images, we cultivated our own bacteria and with this we created patterns to represent their never-ending way of life. As these beings occupy the spaces we own, we found it was self-explanatory we needed to print them on wallpapers, for it's their habitat.
The beauty of microorganism hidden in our own space. 
Not noticed as they resides on our wallpapers.


An exhibition was organised by 27 graphic design students in the city Utrecht. It was open to the public in June 2018 and was titled "Copy Nature Read More
