Annalise Craddock's profile

Introduction to my project

Introduction to my project
 The Alternative Community
Personal Investigation Project

Originally I planned to do a project based on where I live and the key places and my surroundings however I didn’t think there was much that I could experiment with for it and I didn’t know how I could make it interesting so I decided to change to something that I knew I would be interested in and motivated to complete.

Why did I choose this project?

For my project I intend to make a group of work based on alternative culture, this will be a very personal project as its part of my day to day life as I am part of the alt community. Alternative people are considered as goth, punk, Lolita, scene, emo, and more. These names are given due to the music we listen to and the way we incorporate our emotions and love for music through the way we dress to express ourselves. I decided to do this for my project as I feel like alternative sub-cultures are becoming more accepted now however there are still the odd few people who frown upon it and have some very negative opinions that they like to express openly to us. I hope that more people making work like this will change societies views and show them that we aren’t like they think we are.

What style of photography am I using?

For this project I want to experiment with multiple things, therefore I want to try out things that I haven’t really tried before such as portraits, fashion photography and experimenting with photoshop as well as doing something that I am comfortable with at the same time such as documenting our daily lives and capturing our surroundings. I think this is a good starting point as many things can start to branch off from this topic such as the way we support other and people of other cultures.

Introduction to my project

Introduction to my project


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