Círculo de Creativas Ecuador

Personal Project

In 2020, a WhatsApp group initiated a movement for equity in the creative industry of Ecuador. Today, three years after the first day of the Creative Circle, we celebrate that more than 141 women in the industry have formed a stronger community that aims to continue breaking down the barriers that divide us.
And although we work every day to achieve this, there are still certain questions that we have always wanted to address.

What is the Creative Circle, and what does it do?
It is a self-managed space for creative women (creative directors, copywriters, designers, art directors, content and community managers) where we create networking opportunities, mentorships, talks, content, and more to provide women in the Ecuadorian industry with opportunities.

Why should there be a Creative Circle exclusively for women in creativity?
It is estimated that less than 2.7% of women in the industry will reach a creative leadership position due to a lack of opportunities and spaces to excel. While advertising groups have existed for years worldwide, we felt that we did not have a seat at that table, so we created a place where creatives of all positions can participate.

Why do we share photos of the Creatives?
We often heard that there were no women in agencies because they either did not want to be there or simply let opportunities pass by. That's why one of our main objectives is to VISUALIZE talent. To showcase achievements, promotions, jury selections, and demonstrate through actions that there are women in the industry who are already leading and others who are eager to do so.
What do you do beyond posting on Instagram and LinkedIn?
We offer free talks and discussions with industry leaders like Jéssica Apellaniz, Carlos Bayala, Carlos Andrés Rodríguez, Ingrid Lira Dellachiesa, Ricardo Casal, Juan Javier Peña, Sebastián Rouviere, Chacho Puebla, Mónica Moro, and Calú Sarroca.
We provide free mentorship to connect creatives with prominent creative directors from Ecuador and around the world. We even march through all the agencies in Ecuador on March 8th to introduce advertising students to the agency life.
We establish partnerships with festivals like WINA, LUUM, Radical Fest, and LUX Awards to offer benefits to the participation of creatives in registration forms and to create spaces where our voices are heard.
We applaud every time a creative woman crosses the country's borders and shines internationally with "Talento Sin Fronteras." We inspire more girls to make it to the Palais through the "Yes She Cannes" panel so that we have more women representing us in France each year.

What do you aim to achieve with this?
An industry that is more equitable and secure for everyone.
A space where all creatives, at every level, have a networking platform.
A future where it's no longer a novelty for a woman to reach a Creative Director position, serve on a jury, or participate in a festival for the first time.
In other words, we intend to keep breaking down the barriers that divide us. We've already been working for 1,095 days, and there is still much more to be done.

Female Creatives:
Andrea Auz, Gabriela Sánchez, Alejandra Gaitán, Andrea Guarisma, Natalí Toapanta, Natalia Navarro, Lily Menoscal, Paula Murillo, Mishelle Villavicencio, Victoria Salvador, Carla Zambrano, Adrianny Lianza, Alexandra Vaca, Belén Arregui.

Círculo de Creativas Ecuador