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Picture Books : Gugu Dan Gogo The Series

As we already know that the book is a window of the world. By reading a book, someone can learn a lot of things. Beside as a media of learning for children, book also have the function of developing an intelligance and child’s creativity. Similarly with the fairy tale books, this books has a lot of benefits, there are able to generating inerest in reading, build a child’s emotional intelligence, strengthen the relationship between mom and child, develop child’s imagination, and also improve skills in language. In Indonesia, book is the rare things, especially books that develop the imganination and creativity of children.Imagination becomes very important things in developing children creativity. As an alternative step in providing information about the dental of children, needed a media that familiar with the world of the child, so they can easily absorb what we want to be informed. That’s why fairy tale books was chosen to be a media that can educating and entertaining but also interesting.
Milk teeth is a guide to the growth of permanent teeth (permanent). The teeth grow from infants aged less than 6 months and will be complete at the age of 3-4 years. Then aged 6-7 will be on alternate teeth with permanent teeth until the age of 12 years. Function of teeth is chewing function, speech, beauty, and maintain space.

But apparently in Indonesia, caries in milk teeth, and often occurs because many parents assume that children's milk teeth will be replaced by permanent teeth. Parents were not aware that the actual impact would be enormous if not treated early to prevent caries in children. Dental health survey results conducted by Azrul Anwar (Professor of Community Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia) said that 63% of known early childhood in Indonesia suffered a case of milk teeth and 80% due to a lack of understanding of the factors causing the parents to care for your teeth milk.

Impact that occurs when from the beginning have had dental caries is in addition to functioning as a troubled chewers, the child will also impaired in performing their daily activities so kids fussy eaters would not even eat. Another result is the spread of toxins or bacteria in the bloodstream through the mouth, respiratory tract, and gastrointestinal tract. Moreover, when children suffer from malnutrition, this will cause the child can not learn because of lack of concentration so as to affect intelligence, decreases child's immune system, and children are susceptible to illnesses. (Altano, et al, 1980)
These characters made ​​of clay, which is inspired by milk teeth for the kind characters and their bad food (sugary food that kids love) for the bad characters.
From left to the right there is :
- Cokelato (from chocolate)
- Mommy (permanent teeth)
- Gogo (the molar from milk teeth)
- Gugu (the incisor from milk teeth)
- Tobeli (from strawberry ice cream) ; and
- Men-Men (from sugary candy)
This book has a 3 series with different title and content :
- Chapter 1: "Gifts For Gogo" about good and bad foods for teeth
- Chapter 2: "The Adventures of Gugu and Gogo" about how to maintain and clean the teeth
- Chapter 3: "Gogo Afraid To Go To The Dentist" about the importance of going to the dentist
2. Supporting medias
A. This doll will accompany the kids when they fall asleep or play, which     is equipped with a reminder in the back of the doll that says "Have         you already brush your teeth?"
B. This finger puppets will be played by the reader and children while         they're reading
C. A sticker reminder which is must be mounted around the child's sink
Point 1 and 2 are the stuff that will be earned by the target when they bought the Gugu dan Gogo's book. So...... How we get this stuff?
start from....
1. WEB-BANNER (Awareness)
We will invite the target to lure them via web-banner. And there are the mock-up :
2. WEBSITE & POSTER (Interest and Search)
After the target feel like "i want know more", they will click-ing the web-banner and go to this website. This is where the target will get information as possible. Starting from ask the doctor and also ask how to buy the book for online.
Or they can see this information for looking a poster in a bookstore :
The existence of this final project is expected to improve the level of dental health in Indonesia. This is done to help the target in educating and also learning the importance of caring for baby teeth. Too difficult to finding an appropriate communication strategy to be a solution, why caries rate in Indonesia continues to increase is the core problem is found. This is one reason that many caries disease occurs starting at the age of five, when information relating to this case are widespread on the internet and bookstores. Media minimal support is one factor why parents tell their children difficult, but the parents should have a lot of methods how to mengedukasikan something on her so that children quickly understand. But it turns out there is an easy way to give meaning to children on how to keep their teeth, which start from the increasing socialization between mother and child by reading a fairy tale. In this way the child closer to the mother and began to believe, but it comes with a more enjoyable way of storytelling.

The short-term goal of this thesis project, which in addition to making children motivated in keeping their teeth from caries danger in order to stay healthy, the mother will also be motivated to learn more about the dangers of dental caries and improve the care of children at home. Then for a long-term goal of this project is the health of milk teeth is maintained, so that the level of caries in Indonesia may decline.
Thank You For Visiting! :)
Picture Books : Gugu Dan Gogo The Series