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Just Around the Corner

- Just Around the Corner I -
This small woodlands are just around the corner of our house in Upper Austria. They only consist of few trees and are rahter small but their diverse shapes fascinate me everytime I visit and I just found this places a few months ago. I visited them already through all seasons except for spring and it never disappoints with its appearance in those different circumstances.​​​​​​​
Jurassic - Upper Austria 2021

What I show you here, is my most favourite spot/mini woodland at our place in Upper Austria. I visit it at least once every occasion that we are there.
Bracken, twisted beech trees, firs and birches, you will find them all at this place. The last time we were here I wanted to have a look especially at the bracken and see how far they are in their process of emerging and growth. I only went there with a little bit of exploration in mind, but liked this particular scene so much, that I went back to the car and got my photo gear to take some shots of it.

This time I also enjoyed the editing process more than usual and invested some time in Photoshop apart from Lightroom. I also chose a little different approach than usual - or lets say I went back to my roots and chose a darker and muted touch than lately.

By the way: most of the techniques used for the postprocessing of this image are also described in my Processing Tutorial Video.
The General - Upper Austria, Muehlviertel 2021

It’s funny that I’ve been to this small woodland several times before I decided to step over the path which divides it to find a whole new microcosmos of itself including beautiful beech trees.
I found this particular tree - The General - only 12 hours prior to the time when this photo was taken. I went home and was convinced that I’ve found a real gem and in the right conditions it will reveal it’s full beauty! As it was a quite warm winter evening I never expected fog and even snow on the next morning - but boy, I was very lucky!
Legion - Upper Austria, Muehlviertel 2020

This particular image was taken a few days before Christas Eve in 2020 and on the next day the frost was gone and turned into fog as the sun came out. It is a special on to me as the lower part shows the remainings of autumn and is rather colourful and warm whereas the top part is taken by the frost and is announcing that winter is finally coming.
Emerge - Upper Austria, Muehlviertel 2020

This place is right below of a big rock formation in Upper Austria, also a few minutes by car from our house or an 1 hour hike. I love moss and woodlands covered in it. It’s one of the first places I’ve found to satisfy my love for mother nature’s green carpet floor, so I went there pretty often in the last months and found this part of if - off path - just a few days before Christmas Eve in 2020. It’s not visible at first sight but frost and winter are emerging from the left part of the image and if you pay close attention you can see that some of the trees and twigs are already frozen. So it’s mother nature’s contrast in terms of seasons in one image, which I am presenting you in this image. For the image itself its a composite of 6 vertical images, stitched to a panorama.
Winter Birches - Upper Austria, Muehlviertel 2021
Breach (left image) and Council (right image) -  Upper Austria, Muehlviertel 2020
This images are at the same location as the first and header image of this project. If you pay close attention you can see Council in the left part of my image "Legion" in the distance. 

Council reminds me of the first part of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, more precisely the scene where the Fellowship of the Ring is formed in Rivendell. The rock in the middle symbolizes the table where the council is held to discuss how to further proceed with the Ring. We all know how this story ends. I love the LOTR trilogy and also the Hobbit ones. It has became Tradition to watch them once a year during autumn/winter time for me and I am so much looking forward to read the books and watch the movies with my Son. As for many woodland scene photographers they (the movies) inspire & influence me a lot, both - while editing and taking the pictures.
This one was taken in the morning shortly after the rain stopped and the fog started to disappear. If you watch closely you can see some raindrops, lit by the sun in the left part of the image on the twigs .

Stealing Off - Upper Austria, Muehlviertel 2020

This panorama consists of 6 images and is directly to the right hand side of the composition you can see in my image “Emerge” (also part of this project). Only this time the light is covered a little bit more by the firs and and the whole composition gets a little darker. Also you can notice frost on the trees in the background and also a little bit on the mossy rocks.
Daybreak (left image) and Rise Up (right image) -  Upper Austria, Muehlviertel 2020

This images were taken on the same day at the same location as the first and header image of this project (Legion) and also Council and Breach (also in this Project).

Daybreak is one from my first visit of this location in Upper Austria. It was a new spot to me back then, which I found by accident as the path which I was following was a blind alley and I had to stop with my car and turn around. Soon I noticed trees which were shaped in a very appealing way to me (you can see one of them in the right image (Rise Up). It was raining again and I only had a few minutes to find a composition before the fog at this place got illuminated too harshly by the morning sun. I like the bright feeling of daybreak and rainy/foggy conditions this image gives me.
Audition -  Upper Austria, Muehlviertel 2020

It was the day after we had some hoar frost throughout the whole night when around midday the sun broke through and melt all the frost on the trees and branches. Quickly everything got covered with bright, illuminated fog and I rushed out of the house to catch some moments of this scenery. The image below was taken on the very same day only a few minutes later and a few steps away from this one.
Silver Lining -  Upper Austria, Muehlviertel 2020

It was the day after we had some hoar frost throughout the whole night when around midday the sun broke through and melt all the frost on the trees and branches. Quickly everything got covered with bright, illuminated fog and I rushed out of the house to catch some moments of this scenery.
You can also find me on 
Just Around the Corner


Just Around the Corner
