POPOLAND 波寶島's profile


P R O J E C T  -

Xingang Attractive Commercial District, Chiayi County

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臺灣   \   嘉義縣   \   新港   \   商圈   \   插畫   \   設計
Taiwan   \   Chiayi County   \    Xingang   \   Commercial District   \   Illustration   \   Design

很開心這次的插畫設計,讓波寶島有機會與許多優秀的插畫家們,一起共同繪製座落在臺灣各地、帶動著當地經濟發展的臺灣商圈。我們繪製深厚文化底蘊的嘉義縣新港魅力商圈,位於新港魅力商圈中心的新港奉天宮,主要供奉湄洲媽祖 (又稱開臺媽祖 ),是每年盛大舉辦的媽祖遶境終點站,也是無時無刻都香火鼎盛的熱鬧景點。以此為中心向外發展的魅力商圈,周遭有許多代代相傳的熱門美食,以及具有歷史足跡的旅遊景點,這些無法複製的獨有特色,吸引著我們想透過繪筆,將這裡的美好傳遞給更多人。
POPOLAND was invited to collaborate with many outstanding illustrators to draw the Taiwanese districts which are driving the local economic development and are located in various parts of Taiwan. We selected the Xingang Attractive Commercial District of Chiayi, which has a profound cultural heritage. The Xingang Fengtian Temple is located in the center of the Xingang Attractive Commercial District. The Fengtian Temple is mainly dedicated to Meizhou Mazu(the goddess and patroness of the sea), also known as Kaitai Mazu. It is the terminal of the annual Mazu Pilgrimage and also a lively attraction that is bustling with pilgrims all the time.

合作需求     C o o p e r a t i o n   N e e d s

It is hoped that with POPOLAND’s style techniques and character drawing, the style of the location can still be seen through the comparison between the painting and the scene. We tried to make the content match the characteristics of the commercial district as much as possible. Through unique brushstrokes, we want to lead everyone to experience the beauty of these commercial districts and increase the chances of them being seen.

設計概念     D e s i g n   C o n c e p t


We selected Xingang Fengtian Temple as the main element of the illustration, and added different elements such as famous local products, street foods, flowers, and attractions from the commercial district, hoping to create a fun and lively atmosphere in front of the Fengtian Temple.

1. 初稿 / First Draft - 

2.線稿 Outline Sketch - 

3. 色稿 - 版本 I Color Draft - I 

3. 色稿 - 版本 II / Color Draft - II 

4. 完稿  Complete 


大樹腳阿欽伯粉圓 / Dashujiao Aqinbo Tapioca Balls
新港鴨肉焿 / Xingang Duck Thick Soup
洋桔梗 (又名媽祖花) / 
Eustoma (aka Mazu Flower)

新港鐵路公園 - 五分仔鐵道&火車頭 / Xingang Railway Park  - Wu Fen Zi Railway & Locomotive
姊妹蒸餃 / Jiemei Steamed Dumplings
金長利新港飴 / 
Ching Chang Li Xingang Yee

交趾陶 / Koji Pottery

媽祖 / Mazu
虎爺 / Hu Yeh

客戶 Client  \  中小企業總會
插畫 Illustration  \  POPOLAND 波寶島 - Soch Tsai
翻譯 Translator  \  Carina Chen


