G I V E   T H E   P E R F E C T   G I F T   T H I S   S E A S O N!
We are introducing a new way keep your plant loving friends happy all-year-long. Send your favorite plant loving friend the gift of a subscription! We are now offering you a chance to purchase a subscription for a friend or loved one. A subscription comes with many perks plus an additional 10% off on EVERY ORDER! 
S O C I A L   M E D I A   P O S T S
T O   S I G N   U P  N O W  P L E A S E  V I S I T :

B L O O M   S U B S C R I P T I O N   M A R K E T I N G   C A M P A I G N

This marketing campaign is based off of a subscription based gift for the holiday season. In order to have more people subscribed to our email marketing list, we have incorporated a way to also increase sales goals by having people subscribe to this campaign for $10 a  month as well as having the subscribed members come back to purchase more utilizing the perks within the subscription. We have also made this subscription available as a gift to others so they can give someone this great subscription plan.



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