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photograher research


Christian Ren created a series of photos photographing the effects of pollution on sea life. I decided to research this photographer as she ties in with my project theme, I too would like to create some work highlighting the effects of pollution and climate change this is because I feel as though climate change and pollution isn’t talked about enough in the art industry. The topic is often overlooked which is why the planet is in the position it’s in today.

I really like this work by Ren as she creates quite a depressing but playful element to these photographs, this would represent how the worlds environment is falling to pieces yet the government is treating this destruction like a game and a hoax. I love how she replaced the fish with people, this is because the use of people allows the viewer to put themselves in that situation and realise how pollution effects marine life, I also feel as though it creates the idea the everyone is effected by pollution and that the effects of pollution will eventually be experienced by the human race.
I really like the use of a shopping trolley within this photography, this is because the plastic filled shopping trolley represents the fact that the human race is the only cause of pollution, I also feel as though this puts the viewer in the shoes of the model because of the fact that the model is represents how much plastic one person can buy in a week. This would show the viewer how much plastic they buy in a week and maybe encourage them to buy less plastic. I also really like the tight ribbons wrapped round the models in the photographs that include nets. This creates the illusion of sea life caught in plastic again showing the viewer how they affect wildlife and what pollution can cause to sea life.
I also really like the dark element within this photography, this is because the darkness gives the photography a depressing mood. The depressing mood could represent the fear and sadness felt by marine life because of the constant harassment cause by pollution and plastic. Also, I feel the different levels of light in these photographs could represent the different levels of the ocean and how pollution can affect all areas of the ocean.

Michael Dyrland :

Michael Dyrland created a series of photos photography the causes of climate change, these photographs foreshadow how the future could be if we don’t fix our current climate problem. I decided to research Dyrland because I also would like to create work on the effects of climate change and pollution this is because I feel as though climate change and pollution isn’t talked about enough in the art industry. The topic is often overlooked which is why the planet is in the position it’s in today.

I love the use of the yellow radioactive suites used within in this photography; this is because they could be representing how the future will look if we carry on living, the way we do. It suggests that if we don’t do something about pollution the ocean/air will become too toxic to physically touch, it could also represent the rising of sea levels and how we might have to relocate underwater because of the loss land. It could also represent the heat levels rising and the planet become to hot for our bodies therefor making us have to wear a protective suit.
I like the murky look to the water, this creates the effect that the water is unhygienic and toxic, this creates the idea that the water has been affected by large amount of pollution. This again shows the view the future if we decided to not change our ways, this creates a depressing mood to the photography as it shows the damage and destruction that people are causing to the planet. I also really like the idea of the person surfing, its showing that people are cable of overcoming problems, suggesting to the viewer that we are capable of tackling climate and implying that we need to start making a change as soon as possible.

Chris Jordan :

Many of Jordan’s works are created from photographs of garbage and mass consumption, an unexpected technique which started when he visited an industrial yard to look as patterns of colour ad order. Jordan uses everyday rubbish such as plastic cups and defines the blind unawareness within society. His work, while often unsettling, is a message to wasteful people in our everyday lives, leaving it to the viewer to draw conclusions about the unavoidable consequences which will come from our habits.

I decided to research the photographer Chris Jordan because I also would like to create work on the effects of climate change and pollution this is because I feel as though climate change and pollution isn’t talked about enough in the art industry. The topic is often overlooked which is why the planet is in the position it’s in today. I really love Jordan’s work, his message comes across strongly, it almost seems as though he is shouting at society for causing all of this death and destruction. The photographs that he’s taken really upset me, but this imagery inspires me carry on the message. Because of this imagery, I love the photographers work, this is because he is standing up of nature and fighting back against the destruction that humanity has caused.
I also really like how Jordan almost forces society to look at the damage its causing, it shows the viewer the effects of pollution and how it destroys species. I feel as though by showing the viewer the death caused by pollution it will encourage them change their ways and think more about what they recycle and what they buy.

To get a better understanding of the photographers i decided to ask them some questions about their work via email. Fortunately, I was luck enough for Micheal Dyrland to email me back, to keep the email simple and worth while ,to the photographer, i decided to only include a few questions within the essay. this was so the photographer would more likely respond to my email as they wouldn't be bombarded with questions. 

Firstly, what inspired you to create a series of work highlighting the effects of climate change/pollution? - 
"Over the years of travelling I've been in to many situations where I've been witness to the horrors of climate change and pollution, I've seen oceans filled with plastic and beaches lined with dead or suffering marine life. I knew I was only one man and there isn't much change one man can create in today's world, but seeing the suffering that climate change/pollution was creating, it made me want to create some work that would be seen by the public. I wanted to create some work that would show society the dangers and future restrictions that climate change/pollution could cause if we didn't act. Apart from that, the main aim of this specific series of work was to inspire the viewers to try and make a change, by you contacting me shows me my message is working as you, the viewer, are trying to make a difference."

What is your opinion on Climate change/pollution?- 
"To be brutality honest, before I'd seen the true nature and effects of climate change and pollution I didn't really much care for the matter, it didn't effect me so why should i care too much? But after seeing the horrors caused but climate change/pollution, I knew that I had been blinded from reality and really knew nothing of the world. after seeing the effects of climate change/pollution I felt enraged, I thought how could people do such a thing?, but after some consideration I realised that people were the same as me. people didn't know the horrors caused by climate change, they didn't know how it effects them and others, they were shielded from the truth just like I was before I saw it for myself."

What inspired you to become a photographer?- 
" Beauty is best seen through the lens. That' the motto I always use, seeing other photographers work showed me that it was possible to stop time. It was almost as if these photographers were saving moments and capturing time, and I wanted to capture time for myself. I felt as though photography could almost be seen as a series of memories, but instead of theses memories fading away over time, they would be remembered forever."
To get a better understanding of the photographers I decided to ask them some questions about their work via email. Fortunately, I was luck enough for Chris Jordan to email me back, to keep the email simple and worth while ,to the photographer, I decided to only include a few questions within the essay. this was so the photographer would more likely respond to my email as they wouldn't be bombarded with questions. 

What inspired you to create work about pollution and how its effecting the wild life?-

Whats your opinion on the effects of climate change/pollution?-

Have you always been interested in the effects of pollution?-

photograher research

photograher research


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