Roman Vilchyk's profile

Golden Soffit 2017. Scenography, costumes

The concept proposed by the director was a very strange and unusual post office.

My work has been started...

What is post? These are postmens, uniforms, delivery, telegraph, telephones, switchboards, letterheads, letters, parcels, boxes...
Lots and lots of boxes, mountains of boxes, stalactites and stalagmites of boxes...

I need to come up with costumes for the entertainer and his funny postmen-assistants. And we also have a DJ and a beatboxer... And uniformed extras...

Ugh! So many things. And everything is interesting. And mail is always so stylish.
And what was the struggle with the media designer not to use the B-52 font... please, something not so often used and a better font-stamp... but I lost...
Nobody needs my perfectionism😭😭😭
And there's a complicated scene in the theater. There's a huge semi-circular proscenium... Just a nightmare for a set designer IMHO. Who came up with this and why?😵
But that's okay. SketchUp to help. That's my way💪
Аdd lighting and voila... Set design😉
A few photos from the installation and rehearsals. My cell phone is as tired as I am. Two days without sleep... So sorry
It was a very cool experience and hard work.

Thanks everyone for watching.
Golden Soffit 2017. Scenography, costumes


Golden Soffit 2017. Scenography, costumes
