Pollen Mixology

An artisanal mixology bar where cocktails are created as an art form with the use of flavoured honeys that are sourced from a variety of crop farms.

By using the honey that is sourced from the different crop farms, awareness is brought to the wild bees who collect their pollen from certain crops and by this allow the honey to be flavoured in taste. The cocktails are centred around bringing out the delicate flavours in each honey with every cocktail creation dedicated to certain species of bee.

The story of the bees who created the honey are told through the drinks made, proceeds will be used from the sales of the artisanal cocktails to support research or legislation to help prevent Colony Collapse Disorder and towards pesticides that are harmless towards honey bees and wild bees which inhabit the lands around crop farms. The most endangered species of bees are from wild colonies and it is important to put this focus on bringing awareness to the issues that plague them.

Honey sourced from a varietal of crop farms will also be sold alongside the cocktails and packaged in Pollen canisters.
Honey Packaging
Business Cards
Mixologist Uniform
Pollen Mixology


Pollen Mixology
