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Entrepreneur Traits for Timeless Success

Jonathan Ortecho - Entrepreneur Traits for Timeless Success

Jonathan Ortecho - Successful Entrepreneur Traits are often overlooked by many would-be business owners. People often wonder why they are not successful, when other, seemingly "less intelligent" people have tons of success in both their personal and business lives.

Jonathan Ortecho says successful entrepreneurs often have things in common with one another, so it isn't rocket science to determine which traits are common to the success of these gifted people.

Let's Discuss 8 Entrepreneur Traits for Success

Let's look at the 3 P's: Passion, Perseverance, and Persistence. Basically, you have to love what you are doing or won't be successful at it. If you don't love it, you'll quit, so you need to keep working on your goals even when times are SUPER HARD and looking dismal. You need to be persistent. If you are persistent, you will inevitably PERSEVERE. Which is the goal.

Great entrepreneurs have Empathy for fellow men. They understand the struggles of up and coming entrepreneurs, and they are usually willing to help others accomplish their goals through mentoring. I love this aspect of Network Marketing by the way...makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Another good entrepreneur trait is a sense of fairness. Often times, entrepreneurs believe in Karma in one form or another (what goes around comes around, etc), and just like they don't want to be screwed over, they tend to avoid screwing over others.

Integrity. Gotta have it, and good entrepreneurs do. This goes along with number 3, and is one of the most important, if not the most important entrepreneur trait in the list.

Successful entrepreneurs are hard working. The good ones work SMART too, utilizing leverage to maximize their efforts. The more work they put into it, the more it multiplies exponentially with leverage.

Willingness to Learn. Good entrepreneurs never stop learning. This entrepreneur trait is vital to your success. They also concede to others who know more about a subject than they do and learn from it. Make mistakes and learn from those too!

Entrepreneur Trait 7 is being a good Listener. You can't learn anything if you are talking, bottom line. By listening, you help others to open up and this helps you to be a better coach.

Vision. Wow...I can't say enough about this. Visualizing your end goal is 100% Necessary to your success. No success without visualizing your goals and dreams. Write them down, and read them daily.

Entrepreneur Traits for Timeless Success

Entrepreneur Traits for Timeless Success


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