Brief: Create a brand identity and social media campaign to get families talking. The outcome should work alongside the existing material for the British Transplant Games

Target Audience: The general public, specifically people who have opted to be an organ donor.

Problem: Many people who opt in to the donor system do not make their wishes known to their family and friends which ends up resulting in their wishes not being fulfilled. 

Solution: A social media campaign. The research conducted identified that the audience engaged more with vibrant illustrations. As a result the GIF features a detailed illustration of lips, talking directly to the audience. The slogan 'One Convo, Nine Lives' not only ties in with the brand identity but also speaks to the audience directly. The tone of voice for the campaign is vibrant yet direct. The main aim of the campaign is to make donors feel proud to be opted in.

CONVO - To have a conversation, the brand represents to the main element of the campaign. The identity is recognisable and stands alongside the brand identity for the British Transplant Games. The tone of voice for the the bran is encouraging whilst informative. 

Additional material in the campaign includes physical poster and sticker that would be handed out during the games.


