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Budget Airline work for Priestmangoode - Branding

This work was part of a live brief where we had to pitch an idea to design consultants, Priestmangoode in London. The brief for this project was to rethink a certain aspect or the overall outlook of a Budget airline on a global scale. Our design team, entitled "CloudNine", wanted to look at a specific area of an airline that we wanted to improve as well as one of the "BRIC" countries, which are the newly developing countries of Brazil, Russia, India and China. The area we looked at evolved around the passengers personal space on board an airplane in which we wanted to focus on comfort for the passenger. My role in this design team was he Product development manager and looked at the food and menu for the airlane and how this could be adapted and improved upon. I looked at existing methods of ordering food and the process of it on the airline. The concept developed was that of an electronic menu system and menu application for existing tablets that the passenger could easily order food from and have it brought to their seat anytime they wanted in order to create a "dine on demand" type product/service. We felt this would reduce the overall congestion and time it takes for staff on an airline to bring food and drinks around to ceate a faster, more efficient service.
Budget Airline work for Priestmangoode - Branding

Budget Airline work for Priestmangoode - Branding

Electronic menu system for Budget airlines
