A dialogue with abandonment and the city.

My Bachelor's thesis proposes the creation of a cultural organization that can be set in Ex-Zanussi area of ​​Conegliano (Treviso, Italy), past symbol of Venetian entrepreneurial power. The abandonment of this territory aroused a strong attraction in me, letting me focus on what were the causes of the inactivity and on the visual and communicative recovery possibilities of the building.

The main purpose of the work is to form a physical and media network to favor citizens cultural renaissance. The name "Exodus" embodies this form of tribe. Essentially, the recovery is an industrial archeology project, therefore without having to incur in demolition costs. The challenge of the project was enhancing the interior structure of this area to capture the intrinsic qualities of an abandoned landscape, transposing them into a new and more modern scenario.

With the contribution of Municipality of Conegliano, Fabio Chies, Giovanni Tel

What → Bachelor's thesis
Where → Conegliano (Italy)
When → 7/2019 ... 11/2019

Research → 124 pages, 330 x 230 mm
Posters (x2) → 1000 x 700 mm
Foldable paper → 297 x 420 mm
Website → responsive layout (developed with Olojin)



