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Capillary Plastic Guide: understand what it is

Capillary Plastic Guide: understand what it is and what it is for
Most women dream of having wonderful hair like that of a Hollywood diva. But busy life and external agents, like the sun and the wind, only hinder the realization of that dream. Having beautiful and healthy hair  requires a lot of discipline, but it is also not impossible. Some care can be done at home, such as avoiding washing your hair with very hot water and sleeping with damp hair. But these attitudes are not always sufficient to maintain the health of the locks. For more references, check out: baddie hairstyles

The wide variety of products available on the market to bleach, straighten and texturize hair is quite tempting, but a wrong choice can be responsible for causing catastrophic effects on the hair. Therefore, it is very important to consult a trusted professional so that he can analyze the situation and suggest the ideal products to treat your hair. One of the treatment options that has been gaining more and more followers worldwide is Capillary Plastic. The technique is able to replace minerals and nutrients, through the use of keratin and white clay, for example, this remineralization process will leave the hair soft and shiny, worthy of a red carpet.

If you feel your hair is begging for care and you have doubts about what to do to get it back, keep reading this guide because it was made especially for you!

I often hear about damaged or aged hair. What does that mean?

Many people still find it difficult to realize the real needs of their hair. Understanding exactly what the threads need at that moment is a task for an experienced hairdresser. But even those who do not understand anything about the subject, can see some basic signs that the locks are not 100%.
If they are damaged, they are likely to have many split ends and will be quite opaque and brittle. You can do the test by stretching a string with your hands. If he shows low elasticity and breaks easily, he needs urgent care. This is because the hair has undergone serious changes that may have been caused by chemical treatments, such as dyes, bleaches and straightening.

Typically, these features do not cause severe damage. But, if done wrong or too often, they can seriously damage the health of the hair. So, you need to treat them with specific products that will recover the most profound damage. The best thing to do in these cases is to talk to a professional to find out how to treat damaged hair and what are the right products to start the treatment.

Aged hair is also a concern for many people. The aged wire will not necessarily be in the head of an elderly person. It is clear that the action of time affects directly the hair, but the passing of the years is not the only factor that causes capillary aging. Free radicals are the big bad guys in this situation. They can arise not only with chronological action, but also according to environmental or chemical factors. The frequent use of hair dryers and flat irons, the pollution of large cities, sea water, poor diet and stress with work can be some of the reasons that make your hair grow older faster.

As it is a gradual process, aging gradually changes the composition of the hair internally. Have you ever stopped to think that grandmothers tend to have thinner, thinner hair? This is noticeable because there is a substantial decrease in the number of hair fibers in the scalp, causing less hair density. And then that vast hair of youth, if not well cared for, can become fragile and scarce threads in old age.
Capillary Plastic Guide: understand what it is

Capillary Plastic Guide: understand what it is


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