Arup Saha's profile

Bed & Bedside Table

L E S S   I S    M O R E

Contemporary and modern interior design themes often get confused. The key is to remember that “modern” refers to a particular era (most often the early and mid 20th century) whereas contemporary refers to designs of today; the here and now.

Contemporary decorating style is classic yet thoroughly of the moment and timeless thanks to a light-handed, spare take on decorating to ensure it will never feel dated.

Contemporary Style colors

Neutrals, Solid hues & finishes along with gray, black, and white, are a signature of the design style and are used to define and ground a room.​​​​​​​
I N S P I R A T I O N   :   B U R J   A L - A R A B

What inspired me is that Tom Wright made a masterpiece with so many details using simple forms and shapes, which makes it elegant and one of the most prestigious architecture in the world.
P R O D U C T S  :  B E D   A N D   A   B E D S I D E   T A B L E
Bed design:

Forms - Smooth, Clean, Geometric silhouettes & Straight lines
Materials - Natural materials like metals, leather, cotton, wool, silk & jute​​​​​​​
Construction details
Bedside table design:

Forms - Smooth, Clean, Geometric silhouettes & Straight lines
Materials - Natural materials like stone, metals, leather, glass, cotton, wool, silk & jute​​​​​​​

The three legged table is inspired from the Burj Al-Arab as the building has the iconic three stands holding the whole building up, with a sleek tapering.
E N V I R O N M E N T A L   R E N D E R I N G S
O T H E R   R E N D E R I N G S
Bed & Bedside Table


Bed & Bedside Table
