This April, amidst a Coronavirus quarantine, Mother Nature dazzled Southern California coastline with an awesome nighttime display of electric blue neon waves due to a super algal bloom known as a Red Tide or bioluminescence. Everyone with a surfboard snuck out to ride these astonishing glowing tides. I decided that my son and I had to experience this for ourselves.  It was thrilling enough taking him night surfing, but to share this mind-bending complete sensory overload moment was unforgettable.  It was as if a glow stick had been poured into the ocean, creating a super neon glow that would fade and swirl around you as you swam and surfed through it. We had stepped into our very own conceptual fantasy landscape. I feel blessed to have shared this with my son and can only imagine how one day he will look back and remember this magical moment. I will forever treasure this night.

**(Red Tide or bioluminescence is a natural phenomenon when a massive algal bloom event takes place. Millions of algae called dinoflagellates appear as reddish-brown color on the ocean’s surface during the day, but the magic happens at night, when the tide becomes a light show due to the chemical reaction that occurs when this algae mixes with the motion of waves.)



