Ryan Miguel's profile

Group project research + planning

Isle of Dogs
For this unit we were set into groups of four to go at a location near the campus. The location me and my group were set to go at was Isle of Dogs. We all met up around 1pm at Cross-harbour station and from there, we all walked around the area and started exploring from there. 

My main objective for this project is to produce a different shooting style, something I haven't done as a photographer and last but not lease is to have fun!

Recce one
My intent on shooting my first recce is to produce a series of 'street style photography' images that I have take are from my DSLR camera using an 18-55mm Lens and was edited all through Lightroom. My group mainly shot on portrait but I wanted to optimistic and try different styles of taking photos

Recce two
Recce three
I went ahead and met up my with one of the people in my group and took more photos around the isle of dogs. I've included some shots that I've also taken on a different but it was early morning around 5 am where I went over again to Isle of Dogs. I liked the second batch of photos more because, I got a chance to shoot during the night time or early morning but there was no sunlight at all furthermore, it was raining so it was perfect for me to capture a lot of reflection shots.
Post production 
3 recce shots later, during a group discussion, we have all decided to edit using a monochromatic approach to shooting our final images. I did all of the editings In my post-production and chose my two images for IOD and one for my Ravensbourne building. I made one of the most common mistakes as a photographer before shooting my images, which is not double-checking the format I'm shooting. I admit to my wrongs and will take this as a valuable lesson when it comes to shooting with digital cameras. 
Final chosen images 
I developed ideas for this project along the way by shooting at different locations, doing this was fairly challenging at some point due to Me shooting at a different time, different weather which made it different from the first shoot. I was mainly inspired by the people in my group. I felt like I've learned a few skills from them in terms of photography. I'm starting to use my digital camera in a different approach which I would start shooting in manual exposure so I would have control over certain things such as the ISO or shutter speed etc.
By looking at different photographers on Instagram it gave my some inspiration for the style approach I’m aiming to achieve for this project.

Looking at books has also expanded my knowledge in some areas of photography its a good source of information as well. 

Curating a Virtual exhibition
After taking all the photos we all gathered from our location set which was in Isle of Dogs it comes down to preparing a print out of those images in A3 format to go on our virtual exhibition. We all started by making a virtual exhibition through kunstmatrix which is a website that offers you to virtually showcase art exhibitions such as photography. Me and my group had decided on which room style we wanted to choose afterwards our images were placed on the virtual space. 
Physical exhibition 
Evaluation ​​​​​​​
To sum up everything, this unit was a great introduction to start the course with, I thoroughly enjoyed every part of this project because it brought me out of my Comfort zone, tested my communication and leadership skills. Although Covid 19 affected all of us in this group through our work rate, it was still lovely meeting all of the people in my group. I think we all developed a bond in terms of photography whilst sharing our thoughts and ideas. I feel that this task has made me come out of my shell and had influenced me to be more socially active and I'm looking forward to the next unit and will be trying to work harder and improving myself as an individual in this course. 
Group project research + planning

Group project research + planning


Creative Fields