High Tea

The logo for "Moon" draws inspiration from the waning crescent moon phase, symbolizing the gradual decrease and calming energy associated with the lunar phase. The concept centers around providing a diverse selection of herbal teas from around the world, all crafted to promote relaxation and alleviate stress.

From preparing it to sipping it, tea has a calming effect and the ritual of bedtime tea can help you wind down at night. In fact, drinking tea has become a nighttime ritual for many people. Blended tea recipes have rejuvenating benefits and can keep you calm, remove stress and make waning moon phases more relaxing.

Tea Brand Name: Moon High Tea
Logo Inspiration: Waning Crescent Moon Phase
Concept: Offering a range of globally sourced herbal tea recipes designed for relaxation and stress relief.

Our Absolutes: Peppermint, Blueberry & Lemon, Chamomile, Lavender, Himalayan Greens.​​​​​​​

Moon High Tea


Moon High Tea
