Cristina Amil's profile

Safe In - Organ safe container for transplantation

From the start of the era of organ transplantation it has been of paramount importance to have boxes for organ preservation and transport. Issues like controlled temperature, sterility, protection against physical damage, etc, are most important.

Currently there are numerous devices with different levels of technical sophistication and cost. The top quality models are very expensive, therefore it is useful to have access to devices that keep full functionality and safety but lower cost that make them available for countries and Units with smaller budgets. The SafeIN container and accessories were developed according to those requirements, with special focus on simplicity and availability without any compromise on functionality and quality. In transplantation there are a number of factors that are beyond control, therefore we must enforce all efforts in all issues that can be controlled to provide the best conditions for final success. A container specially designed for organ transport is a strong factor to ensure quality, reliability and safety. 
SafeIN ensures safety and quality of organ transport and provides the essential factors for a team that requires maximum efficiency when all details are relevant. If you can work better why not try it?

Participation in the international competition Braun Prize 2005; awarded project in industrial design category in Young Creators National Competition 2006; article in the Newspaper Letters, Arts and Ideas about 11 of the 80 winner projects. 
“E se aquilo que à partida parece uma simples mala térmica se revelasse afinal uma sofisticada caixa de transporte de órgãos? Safe In, de Ana Amil, 23 anos, é isso mesmo. A motivação para desenvolver o projecto explica-a a autora: “Desde o início da actividade de transplantação de órgãos foi necessário dispor de caixas adequadas para o seu transporte em boas condições de temperatura, esterilidade, protecção contra choque, etc.. Actualmente existem dispositivos com diferentes níveis de sofisticação e preço. Os modelos mais sofisticados têm enormes custos, pelo que se torna útil dispor de caixas com condições de segurança adequadas aos fins, mas de custo mais acessível a países e unidades com recursos mais limitados.” Está tudo dito.”
Martins, Susana, 16/01/2007, Reportagem “Selecção de Esperanças”, Jornal de Letras, página 7
Safe In - Organ safe container for transplantation

Safe In - Organ safe container for transplantation

Safe In: Organ Safe Container for Transplantation
