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Coronavirus Editorial Work

A number of illustrations created to capture the essence of different articles about the Coronavirus crisis by Agencia SINC, the news agency of the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT), published during the first wave of the virus (March to May 2020).
On being forced into being a hero: our sanitary workers. Read the article (in Spanish) here.
On fake news: the conspiracy virus. Read the article (in Spanish) here.
Lockdown: on not being able to mourn our beloveds' passing. Read the article (in Spanish) here.
On what happens when you close schools: educational asphyxia. Read the article (in Spanish) here.
On Covid informational over exposure. Read the article (in Spanish) here. Oh, the toilet paper.
On kids with special needs during lockdown and the spontaneous vigilante phenomenon. Reed the article (in Spanish) here.
On a possible reputational crisis in science. Read the article (in Spanish) here. Oh, that one is Fernando Simón.
Coronavirus Editorial Work

Coronavirus Editorial Work

Series of illustrations for Covid reports by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology during the pandemic's very first wave.


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