Bionorms: I will NOT 
(2019, two-channel video installation, loop, 2’29)

Project aims to expose the relationship between systems of security and defence. It raises questions of normativity and its complexity in new technologies. Pharmakon is used to reflect paradoxical situation - as phenomena of poison and remedy. Also it implies questions of evaluation and governance of life and death. In other words, the most important aspects of power - the right to judge. 

The Hippocratic oath is ​​known as a golden ideal standard of ethics for professionals working in the field of medical science. The Hippocratic oath and its modern version is relevant as a division between the power of killing and medical treatment. An extract of oath is chosen emphasize a moral pledge, which starts with negative form promise – I will not. Repetitive militaristic movements and hunting simulation is used as an imperative of discipline and power. 
I will NOT


I will NOT
