Carol Roque's profile

bunq landing page redesign UX/UI

Skills Involved
- Research
- Ideation
- UI Design
Tools Used
- Notion
- Figma
This case study was developed following the specifications of the MID Aela Bootcamp.
The brief asked for a complete redesign of a landing page from a known brand. The brand chosen for this study was the Dutch fintech bunq. The reasons I chose bunq were mainly because I identify myself with the values of the brand and I've considered a good opportunity to present an improvement of their page using my knowledge in UX/UI Design I've acquired so far.​​​​​​​
The main challenge of this study was to bring a different approach for the page using the information that was already present on the original website.
The original page contains a lot of valuable information, but the way they're being displayed to users may not be delivering the expected results.
Using best practices of UI and digital marketing, I rearranged the content of the page and added new ones to bring valuable information and improve the experience of new users that are getting to know bunq.
First I conducted market research to understand the particularities of the target audience of bunq. From this research it was possible to extract the following insights:
Image containing the following text: (Icon representing a person) 90% of consumers prefer online banking services regardless of their age, income, place of residence or type of bank; (Icon representing a calendar) 85% use the services at least once a month and 38% use them at least once a week; (Icon representing a smartphone) 40% use banking services on their mobile device; (Icon representing a rounf clock) Customers are looking for ease of use and convenience.
I also carried out benchmarking and a technical research to understand how other European digital banks are positioning themselves online and the aspects of successful landing pages according to digital marketing.
Defining the problem
Considering the hypothesis raised based on research, I defined the problem statement as being:​​​​​​​

Bunq landing page is not showing clearly
what customers may be looking for.

After defining the problem I started ideating about how I could provide a valuable solution for this problem.
To solve the problem that this landing page is presenting I proposed a redesign bringing the elements that reflect the personality, motivations and commitment of bunq to their audience. I researched the best practices for high converting landing pages to bring strong elements and the best arguments to this redesign.
Based on that, the redesign proposal included:

- Adding the main features and their competitive advantages;
- Adding social proofs (testimonials from clients);
- Adding effective calls to actions.
I designed the page to be simple yet containing all information necessary to make the user become interested in the product.​​​​​​​
Text, typography and colors
I opted to use most of the texts that are already being used on the website, considering that an experienced team wrote them. A few changes were made to adapt to the redesign.
The font used is Montserrat, which is a sans serif font that can be used both on web and mobile. In addition, this font is open source, has a good variety of weight, has a good typographic density so there is no loss of legibility.​​​​​​​
The colors are the same as the brand colors and were used in specific elements to translate the spirit of the brand.
Original design
Final design
Improvements made
The background color was changed from pure black (#000000) to dark grey (#1B1B1B) as a good UI practice to improve reading;
The header of the page was modified to draw attention to the call to action button to open an account;
A different CTA was put on the first fold of the page, to help users to quickly take an action to receive the link to download the app on the phone;
The main features (available for all accounts) were added to the landing page to help users to quickly understand the value proposition of bunq. The learn more buttons redirect the users to a video explaining each feature;
A price list of the 3 different types of account and a button where the user can check and compare more features with the type of account that is suitable to them;
A section dedicated exclusively to expats. Considering not all clients are expats, this is a value proposition that can come on a secondary page;
Social proof, showing the good experiences clients had with bunq so far and a CTA to invite users to get to know bunq discussion forum;
A section dedicated to the brand's commitment to sustainability;
Another CTA, same as on the first fold, to send a link to download the app.
Closing remarks
For this redesign the research was very important to understand the particularities of the European market regarding digital banks.
I started with the hypotesis that the users were mostly millennials considering how Brazilian market behaves, but in my research I discovered that age is not a relevant factor to determine the audience of digital banks in Europe.​​​​​​​
bunq landing page redesign UX/UI

bunq landing page redesign UX/UI
