Alani Robertson's profile


WEEK 2 #oneperday
The topic of "Documenting Time" only really brought one idea to my head - the blooming of a flower, the lotus
TECHNIQUE: graphite pencil on cartridge paper
PROCESS: First began with light strokes and basic shapes to layout the forms in the image. After lightly laying out each flower bud and leaves, changes in line pressure added shadows and details. Finally small strokes were drawn around the forms to soften the white space. I only used the one pencil for all drawings and therefore focused on line weight and layering to generate darker shades. 
REFLECTION: Overall I am happy with the final image considering that pencil us not my preferred medium. I didn't like the contrast between the lack of a background and the plants so I found the adding of light strokes balanced the image. 

TECHNIQUE: Hatching with graphite pencil on cartridge paper
PROCESS: Similar process as image before, however as i became more confident with the medium and shapes I did less light sketching and more stronger darker lines. I did have to refer back to my other drawing to ensure the leaves and buds bloomed and grew slightly taller. the scribbles places in the white space were slightly more prominent as I liked the look more and more. 
REFLECTION: I am very happy with the balance between light and dark shades, however i think drawing the images slightly larger would have allowed much more detail. 
TECHNIQUE: Hatching with graphite pencil on cartridge paper
PROCESS: Before i started sketching i grabbed my light-box and placed the previous image underneath the blank piece of paper so that the three images would as be of similar size and look more cohesive. The opening of the petals in the lotus are quite curved which meant a lot of shadowing has be generated and because of this I lightened the rest of the petal so that it was a more distinct difference between the different sides of the petals. 
REFLECTION: Since the flowers and leaves are blooming more, the forms overlapped more and I found it difficult to shade the shadows correctly. Because of this i also wanted to make sure there was not too much clutter and that each form had its own space, so i had to change the composition slightly. 
TECHNIQUE: Hatching with graphite pencil on cartridge paper
PROCESS: In the first few images, the darkest part of the petal was at the base, closest to the pistil, however with this drawing I decided to change that based of research that showed the darkest part was at the tip of the petal. Once the lighter sections were done I went in a few times adding more and more pigment to build up the shadows underneath the leaves as the flatten out. 
REFLECTION: I believe I took the least amount of time drawing this image and i think because of this is does not look as well rendered as the rest. possibly redrawing this one and bringing it up to a similar quality would help the overall finished product. 
TECHNIQUE: Hatching with graphite pencil on cartridge paper
PROCESS: The overall process in drawing the images has only changed slightly, and this was because of my increasing confidence in how to draw the shapes. The only other difference was incorporating the pistil of the flower into the lotus and I also stopped adding lines to the stems and just focused of shading them to show where the light source is from.  
REFLECTION: I am really drawn to the darkest parts of the flower and i think this adds a really nice contrast. I am also really happy with how the pistil turned out as i think it stands out well while also looking realistic. 



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