Avenika Mohan's profile

Marketing-Classroom Activity

Let's Talk About It and #FoeforFaux - Classroom Activity
Classroom brief: To design 2 hypothetical campaigns in collaboration with a brand/ organisation. 

1. Let's Talk About It
This campaign, titled 'Let's Talk About It' has been designed in collaboration with The Minds Foundation and is meant to raise a conversation about mental health in educational institutions. 
Understanding that Gen-Z and millennials today face issues that they may not be comfortable sharing with authority figures in their lives due to a generation gap, the campaign aims at normalising mental health needs and to empower students and young adults with mental health resources within their campuses. 

The campaign consists of multiple levels of communication with students in their colleges/ schools through-
i) Posters
ii) Mental Health Kits
iii) Therapist on Wheels ​​​​​​​
These are meant to create activation points around campuses and help normalise conversations about mental health issues. The posters also have QR codes that lead them to professional mental health resources that they can use in their own time and space. 
Mental Health Kits
These first aid kits for mental health have been curated for immediate comfort and to help release happy hormones. This kit is not meant to replace professional help or negate the positive impact a professional can bring, it is just meant to give comfort in a time when the students are feeling anxious and to help them vent. 


2. #FoeforFaux
This campaign has been designed in collaboration with Peta India to be rolled out before an event they host on International Anti Fur Day. 
The campaign consists of a social media plan in order to let people know about the event which is free for all to attend. It also consists of collaterals like diaries, tote bags, cards and other informational material that people can purchase online as well as during the event to help raise funds for the cause. ​​​​​​​
Social Media Content for Peta India 
Marketing-Classroom Activity

Marketing-Classroom Activity
