"Emancipation: Resiliency Through Sustainable Growth"

"Emancipation: Resiliency Through Sustainable Growth" received Special Mention in Search International Student Design Competition "Sundar-Bari" organized by Trust for Sustainable Education and Action in Architecture (SEARCH), Kolkata | Delhi.
The people of Sundarbans face various calamities like Cyclone, floods, lack of necessary services, and infrastructures, and ultimately poverty. When their life gets disrupted by cyclone and floods every year, the governments, NGO's gives them relief, but the problems don't get solved because in a few years it happens again. They are stuck in a vicious cycle called "দারিদ্র্যেি দুষ্টচক্র".Is there any way out of this cycle?
Our main concern of this project is to make them sustainable and resilient and to break their poverty cycle by designing a low cost, affordable, disaster-resilient homestead.
The villagers are mostly poor so they can't build big structures like in the cities. Even if we make them houses like in the cities, they won't be able to afford it. But they have somethings that others don't – natural resources that provide their living and building materials. Our design started with making an RCC plinth and 4 feet brick wall to make the house flood-proof. We used local affordable materials. We emphasized on the resiliency and cost efficiency points designing their homestead.
We aim to make them self-sufficient so they will be able to take care of their own. We designed some flexible 'easy to build' Phases where they will make their home in a step by step method and expand it gradually. The homestead will provide them various earning sources such as hydroponics agriculture, cattle raising, etc. By utilizing their opportunities, they can start saving, they can take small loans to build their affordable disaster-resilient homestead gradually and finally achieving emancipation.
"Emancipation: Resiliency Through Sustainable Growth"

"Emancipation: Resiliency Through Sustainable Growth"
