Work life balance

Remote work during the pandemic has helped me focus on what's really important in my life, and make changes to my lifestyle to stay healthy mentally. 

Make sure you take the time to separate your personal life from your work life, both mentally and physically. It's tempting to work all hours of the day because it's so darn easy to quickly log in or check on your emails. The convenience of working from home has its benefits, but only if you carve out time in your day to enjoy your hobbies, catch up with friends, and above all destress.

Enjoy the new flexibility in your schedule. And breathe.
Take a coffee break with friends
Refined linework and initial rough sketch

Carve out time for healthy home-cooked meals
Refined linework and initial rough sketch

Flexible working hours suit how and when I work best
Refined linework and initial rough sketch

Take the time to pursue hobbies and relax
Refined linework and initial rough sketch

Stay healthy
Refined linework and initial rough sketch


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Work life balance


Work life balance
