I am currently working as a storyboard artist for Vidico Melbourne, and other renowed directors in Sydney. Below a some of my storyboards including: 
Music Video, TVC, Live Action and Motion Graphic.
Shelly - Short movie concept art
Director: James Chappell

Blasterjaxx - Legion - Music Video
Director: James Chappell

The storyboard was made in a very tight schedule and the backgrounds were put in and retouched in order to conveys the best required aesthetic.

Temple & Webster 30s Advertisement  
Studio: Vidico
This is one of the 3 storyboards in Temple & Webster Furniture TVC series.
Archa - Motion Graphic Advertisement  
Studio: Vidico
Upfluence (Soon to be released) 
Studio: Vidico

Below is showing the gallery for my storyboards and animatic for TVC/Pitching Concept.
My main tasks are colour designing, following strictly to clients' brief to refine/revise/polish the final piece, as well as creating in-between frames for animatic.



