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Retro Starships Playing Cards

Retro Starships Playing Cards
The character illustrations in these playing cards are inspired by the fashion of the 1970s combined with the bright colors and funky patterns of the 1980s. The characters belong to a story that focuses on the personal lives of a group of teenagers that dream of broadcasting their music beyond the moon. Each character is tied to the specific symbolic meanings behind their suit.

Joker - Cecilia Starling
The card that can represent evolution of life and the chaos of death.

King of Hearts - Markus Rivera
Also known as the Suicide King; represents self destruction for a selfish and worthless cause.

Jack of Spades - Julio Correa
This card represents change as an essential force that occurs for better or for worse.

Queen of Hearts - Annabella Rivera
This card represents the compassion and beauty of love.
Playing card illustrations including card suits.

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Retro Starships Playing Cards

Retro Starships Playing Cards
